Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Future of Videojournalism

On the video on looking at the future of videojournalism, I show how videojournalism was around in 1994 and how prior that creative film making emerged from such discursive programmes as BBC reportage.

The video contains some rare footage from 1994 of the 30 videojournalists chosen from 3000 candidates and that the explicit meaning of videojournalism has usurped its more implicit capabilities.

The video is the public cut, from the write up from research looking at future storytelling which I'm writing up at present.

In essence as Susan Sontag said of photography, if you take a picture of drawfs, you get dwarfs. Yet Roland Barthes would also draw our attention to hidden meanings that existed in text and pictures, that subconsciously the reader.

The aim as I draw on this extensive research is too strengthen the global training programme that's been used in the UK for the Press Association;  in the US, at the Chicago Sun-Times, China, Egypt...

Below are frames from the short film. You can see more on giving an insight into a different notion of videojournalism.

Click here for insight into major new findings on

What is videojournalism on the web, in multimedia and offline - a major study and film - and why it matters