Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Art directing videojournalism for IPad

At SXSW last year I presented "the film is not enough". The presentation was meant to capture the notion that the video is just part of the aesthetic ecosystem.

So here's a more elaborate illustration.

Theses are web pages that I art-directed for the very first viewmagazine.tv that would go onto win the Batten Awards. The year is 2005

If it looks like something now designed for the IPad, that should not be suprising. I took magazine design as my template, but wanted to activate video/audio etc when you rolled over an image.

Art directed videojournalism
Now the Ipad is built for that, so I'm loking forward to now pushing at the edges, this time with the Ipad in mind and how videojournalism will work.

You can find the original viewmagazine.tv here without its front cover. Simply click the images and you'll go right to the page.

To see how I incorporated the idea into the CSS versions I designed. This page here gives a good account. The video is buried behind the image.

Among the articles in the first one. Jay-z atending one of our music sessions. I'm standing in front of the photographer

Exclusive pics of Bob Marley, the future of Cinema and Ozwald Boateng Fashion Icon