Saturday, August 09, 2008

M2V - Videojournalism for anti-conformists

More than a little earnest for many of today's matter-of-facters, but Cicero on history:

"History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity." Cicero


But then this VJ evolution, I'm in the midst of completing a couple of pages on viewmagazine that pieces together some contemporary historical going-ons that as a VJ, exec, or academic you may find useful.

Less about what it is... grief, done that. But the pitfalls, work-to-rule, quelling staff revolts (oh yes!) and really what next, when the sheen dulls.

In line with that I'll be bashing together a feature M2V which will be a sequel to Digital Diversity.

The video shot of the Telegraph ( top) and its multimedia studio, will be accompanied by some interesting thoughts from managers and the Telegraph's new super journalists.

Why no one else is doing this is interesting, but imagine 12 lucky young graduates put through their paces over the course of a year to learn everything there is to know about this new journalism.

Some investment huh?

For the first time you'll hear their views, plus some original archive from Channel One TV's broadcast, with an interview with ex Sky TV's head of News and former Managing Director of Channel One TV, Nick Pollard.

Channel One TV was the first and only VJ station in the UK in the mid 90s.

See you Monday

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