That these were the first regional journalists, from the Hull Daily Mail, Liverpool Echo and Press Association in the UK to learn videojournalism in a programme devised by David of
That James Wagner was the first dedicated journalist to report from Second-life, here talking at a summit in Sweden. Sadly, Second Life seems to be no longer in vogue.
When Reuters reported to journalists at the Online News Assoociation their findings being the first journalism outfit to equip reporters with the Nokia N95, Viewmagazine captured the discussion.
Christiane Amanpour, the venerable CNN Correspondent was more than a little surprised to hear about some of the advances in webournalism reportage and that branding herself online with blogs and tweets would open her up to a new audience.
At the premier on Dreamgirls Viewmagazine spent a cold evening interviewing the stars, and left the camera rolling so you could see waltz and all. (video to be re-loaded)
When the BBC provided info about its trials over embedded video captured it here.