Wednesday, June 13, 2007

hahaha Oh the joys of wanton vacuous vanity

So this friend from South Africa emails me laughing. She's got the skinny on me. Yeah!


This! daa daa daa

Oh c'mon I was young unsure and vain..

Now I'm older unsure and vain...

But just so she couldn't do anything untoward, I have done an "11 mile"
So I'm outed... Gosh this was early-mid 90s..

There's a whole history around this.. but that is another story.. suffice to say they don't half keep you waiting for ages.

Today met with my old boss, whose mate is an intelligence person. Well known on BBC and Sky.

He's putting together a treatment for a shoot. Wanted to know what i thought so I'm adding my two bits. Should be interesting. He's in the Robert Steele " Avengers" mould

Got some wonderful pics from Bilbao, fab photographer, where I did a talk and this week recut the Financial Times piece which is uploaded to Youtube and here .

Yep the tripple play Youtube it, face book it, my space it - whatever next?

Monday was really something. Was at the opening of the Royal Festival Hall. Simply luscious. Bolero and a whole number of tunes reminded me of my days back in Cornwall.
Tthe great and the good of the arts/ literature world were there. I had ro strain not to hear the person sitting a key fob away: Salman Rushdie.

Ah well...

Oh that pic LOL

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