Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Apprentice - and the winner is

Of course the franchise. But here's something. Last season South Africa acquired the rights to make its own. A series fronted by that ANC heavy weight business supremo Tokyo Sexwale.

I won't tell you what happens because... I got in contact with some SABC contacts and was sent over the tapes. I took the final episode and with my good friend MBA student Doreen managed to rustle up some MBAs around her house to show them the final episode.

What's unique about the SA version is no task goes to waste. Every task is a sustainable job to be handed to someone.

So we screened the final version and then got the producer on the phone from SA. Our small audience was able to ask anything about the show. We were also given the contacts for the winners, so we culd yet follow that up.

So if you're feeling withdrawal symptons from the Brit version, check back soon on viewmag where I'l fnally edit down the SA pakage and I can tell you now there's some interesting twists, very interesting twists.

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