Friday, May 20, 2011

Images and soon words from BBC Social Media gathering

Images from BBC Social Media gathering

 From left to right - Peter Horrocks BBC, Meg Pickard, Guardian, Kevin Marsh BBC


Alex Wood creates - this time with the BBC

David Hayward - a senior exec at the journalism college - also someone whom I working with on the videojournalism programme - great guy

Second from Left David, my colleague at the University of Westminster - brill guy

From the Washington Post - how they do Social Media

He needs no introduction online - the indefatigable Adam Westbrook

Guardian man Alan Rusbridger on how the Guardian pioneered live blogging

Dr Claire Waddle - the organiser - and host

Delegates back from tea-break. I'm talking in there somewhere

Sophie - social media and social connector. We luv Sophie

Delegate and host, a PhD researcher on Social Media

I'm talking to the BBC Global Media manager