Saturday, July 24, 2010

and then more new journalism

Viewmagazine's refocused brief and design.

Sorry, if you're a follower of this blog, that there has not been much forthcoming lately.

I'm planning on switching to Wordpress, but have a few more things to sort out.

That should come soon after a redesign and complete overhaul of including its brief.

A lot has changed in terms of personal branding and storytelling, with for me an emphasis on process and ideas rather than actual articles.

And these ideas will now tend to come to either nearer where you are or farther from this blog's place of origin.

I've maintained for while that this slow evolving paradigm takes its cue from everyone, not necessarily involved in the media and visual arts -a fundamental shift from the 90s when broadcast media or newspapers executives designed for us.

So look forward to seeing you and engaging in liveky talks.