Wednesday, December 03, 2008

OMG - Video journalism what!

I have been somewhat tawdry posting in recent days, and it'll probably slacken some more.

The last few days have seen me at the coal face in submitting 5000 words towards my thesis.

Everything from reading newspapers like the Hampshire Chronicle, (HC) from 230 years ago, to more contemporary excursions such as Jenkins H., Convergence Culture Where old and new media collide, New York University Press, 2006.

It's exhausting, because not least it involves challenging paradigms, or making sense of them and thus has involved reading around 50 different books.

Foucalt for instance asks: What is an author and how much is required of them?

In announcing the death of Lincoln, the HC, April 29th,1865, says:
Appalling and astounding news comes from America, such as never before was borne across the Atlantic.

Try such language in today's Times.

The past has very little to do with our busy lives, while we try and make do with the 'here and now'. But history throws up so many answers for how we might cope with events.

Nothing you could say is new.

It's relevant to politicians, which is why President-to-be Obama has recommended to his newly formed cabinet that they read the Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. An item on this was broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today this morning.

New tools
New tools give us new ideas to cope, or even help us push ahead with new methodologies and there are copious questions still warranting attention within the media and journalism.

This morning two emails that should help provide an insight into how we are developing and the trends abreast came through.

Sadly and understandably I won't be able to talk about the matter, if any, until after the events.

But the first, International Video journalism Awards will give an indication of the trends in video journalism, while the RTS, Royal Television Society Innovation Awards, will illustrate other trends in innovation.

In both cases I've been invited to judge submissions.

Competitions like the aforementioned act as a repository for a wide pool of work, but we also know there's untold untapped talent who don't take these routes, for a number of reasons.

We find them online or stumble across their work. And as the web blooms farther and farther, and new talent enters the fray, its important they play the game: blog, twit, deli. and the likes, and aggregate with kith and kin.

You don't need validation belonging to any number of portal sites. Get involved yes, but then build your own citadel.

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