Thursday, November 13, 2008

Adam Westbrook on a TV Manifesto

Every year you come across a student, who has lived many years past their own.

One whose maturity seizing up the industry, as well as future casting offers food for thought.

They blog, twit, video - a veritable broadcast outfit in themselves.

Begs the question why they need education, say a Masters certificate in Journalism in the first place.

But for a number of reasons, not least cultural and socio-politically they do - and things turn alright for them.

From within the institution I know too well there are many, but I have been fortunate to come across others outside - the next generation of meta-journalists.

  • Dave Lee, from the University of Lincolnshire now at BBC Futures.
  • and Adam Westbrook, formerly at City University.

Adam has this post on his site, which I advised you go have a look. Just got an ee from him. So I really should digest it in detail myself :)

It's a manifesto for TV.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 pm GMT

    Many thanks for the kind words, David
