Monday, October 13, 2008

Pixels without Borders

Just completed the prelims for Pixels without Borders and will post url later today.

It features the work of the incredible Yannis Kontos, a world press photographer winner and recipient of 18 different awards.

More recently he exhibited at one of the main museums in Greece, following on from a Picasso exhibition.

In line with early work circa 1999, [ see Blue Print article] this is a theme in exploration and non prescriptive navigation [ game theory] in what I'm attempting in providing different states.

There are some obvious omissions as this is an installation piece with some new ideas for accessing and playing.

The best part of the afternoon was spent cracking the code in action scripting and phase 1 works pretty much okay, Whilst Final Cut and subtle use of After Effects were used on the pics.

An equally remarkable set of prints will undergo the same treatment, following coyotes and immigrants crossing the Mexican border.

Many people have died on this venture. Yannis picks up the story from both sides.

Later today I should at some point post Laura at a piece on video journalism etc. and then its back underneath the bonnet to get mysql and php to work a raft of new word press installations.

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