Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day after peace - superb documentary

As big themes go, it doesn't get any bolder or perilous than this. A simple absurd idea to have peace blanket this globe of attrition.

One man's desire, an incomprehensible drive, whom at times was ridiculed, humiliated, but he kept going.

The mere inclusion of Peres in a video shown to the League of Nations blew it for him, but he regrouped and along the way sought interdependent thinkers e.g. Angelina Jolie, Jude law, Annie Lennox, who shared his passion and were willing to give their time and support.

And then one day, one day in September the guns stopped. They fell silent in Afghanistan - a province riddled with killings, so that humanitarian aid could be given to those who needed it most: children.

This wasn't just a superb documentary, it was life changing, for any cynic or doubter, that the will of the determined conquers all.


The film starts from 1999 when Jeremy Gilley had his dream. The film, award winning and why yes, documents his odyssey to change a significant core value of people and the world.

That one person, with the help of others could do this puts to shame others.

It also puts into perspective our loyalties, priorities etc.

When he first launched no one was interested.

He deserves all the riches of humanity that comes his way.

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