Saturday, September 06, 2008

Camp video journalism London?

VJ Promo - Come into the light from david dunkley gyimah on Vimeo.

As my mate Rob gets ready for Camp VJ 2 in the US, I'm thinking about putting something on here in London.

Language is a dynamic media constantly changing, whether that's visual or literary.

So what might work now in video journalism may see a bit dated in time.

We know that much from looking back on period films. There are classics from which we borrow, but styles and language have changed: I won't say evolved; changed, more like it.

I get asked whether I hold any close contact training of my own. I consult for clients e.g. corporates and newspaper groups, but have considered weekends for an at-your-pace learning zone.

So I'll take some more soundings, but the areas I'm interested in for an advance VideoJournalism would sweep through exclusive video from 1994 onwards, and include:

Exposition: there are stark differences between US and UK news reportage in how a story is told. There are emerging differences emerging in Video Journalism too.

Editing: knowing how to edit, but when and what to: the emotional cut, the syntax cut, juxtaposition

Effects: Just as in editing how can we use effects, minimum or otherwise to convey meaning in a story.

Shooting: tagging and blocking, movement and creative lens - the language of composition.

Multimedia: ignoring the timeline: Thinking spatially

And telling a story through Radio and TV and changes in radio broadcasts over the years that can be fed back into other media


  1. you do it far enough in advance to get a good price on airfare - I just might make the hop across the pond, mate ;)

    Cliff Etzel - Solo Video Journalist

  2. I'll be in London 4-9 October (and perhaps Berlin!) But hey, I would like to organize a one day Camp VJ for advanced Solo VJ types with you again.

    Skype me. Robb
