Saturday, August 02, 2008

International Video Journalism Awards - 5 reasons to submit a film

As a recipient of the award I can't tell you how invaluable it has been both for sharing ideas and being amongst peers.

Perhaps like me, you'll be thinking your film has no chance in hell.

My film was a personal project. The kind TV would give a wide berth by probably saying "sorry we don't get it"

A senior BBC figure at the awards said as much, and I told her I agreed with her.

Video journalism isn't about replicating TV - "free your mind".

If you do have such a film, submit. Mine sat on my shelf for about three/four months, before a friend suggested I sent it in, and I have to tell you it was such a palava, that I almost missed the deadline.

Video Journalism is about expressionism; your expression. You may have worked in TV and you may have not, but a good story told well, is a good story.

So here are my five reasons for submitting and as one of the jury members the very best of luck

5 reasons to submit to the awards

  • Participating in the first "open access" awards and still one of the most respected.
  • The potential of winning the award, recognition and prize money.
  • Meeting fellow Video Journalists and making good contacts and friends.
  • Seeing different styles of Video Journalism and solo film making across the world.
  • Being at the heart of a movement in its nascent stages and which can only get bigger.

  • Further information is provided on the website:

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