Thursday, August 28, 2008

Iconic Olympic video promos -just watch it

Many moments from the Olympics.

But three stand out for me; two of which I'd like to share with you.

BBC presenters at the time of this broadcast eulogised  Eddie Butler narrator and sporting poet, which while not knowing Mr Butler made me a tad irritated.

This is a big wrap and the producer who in BBC terms often doubles as the director should be given a huge dollop of the credit. His/her name is unknown, never mentioned on air, unless that is Eddie Butler was the producer as well.  

There is artistry in this directing e.g. the insert sequences of martial artists, but there's also technique, synchronising imagery and music; the presenters themselves rising to the occasion with rousing uplifting snatches; the drum beats and the high board diving; the close up sequences before that, attention to detail and flow of passion and etchings of emotion on faces.

This was Crouching tiger meets dog town, Band of Brothers and Gladiator - sport makes for enviable promos, borrowing here and there from film.

Aside from the telecine, odd saturation, slow mo, glow effect and mask achievable via After Effects there's little distortion of the footage.

You might say the footage sells its self and it does.

Where the producer really earns his/her pay cheque per second is a section within this 30 minute wrap, also a popular section in itself: Bolt destroying records to the tune of Eric B and Rakim's Follow the leader.

The opening shimmys with multiple layers composited in Black and White film/video: frame by frame with transparent layers on top of each other, then the producer goes into twin narrative mode and a series of harsh jump cuts. Don't mention this to TV News people, but shuuush the film keeps crossing the line - in fact there isn't one.

Bolt should equally be complemented as he provides so many different characters within his race: fun lover; jester; playing to the crowd; playing to the camera; running like thunder, that there's a lot to play with.

If you look at it closely enough, you'll spot the producer/s style at work, reserving a trade mark pull out trait of slow mos - at the line-crossing.

Highly commendable and what the BBC does so so well. Something that surpasses whatever News might provide.

p.s If I had the footage...

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