Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Creativity - how to get it

Creativity - how to get it. My fellow [student] colleague Alison at Smart Lab whom consults with stock market companies about how they become more productive by being creative set us a problem.

I'll post more soon on what she says, but first can you figure this out?

You've a cake and a knife that you're alowed to make three cuts to make 8 equal pieces?



  1. pretty straight forward - first two cuts give 4 - 1/4 pieces - the third cut is horizontally through the middle, thus doubling the number of pieces - giving 8 equal sized pieces.

    Cliff Etzel - Solo Video Journalist
    bluprojekt | solovj.com

  2. Anonymous4:22 am BST

    Cut the cake vertically into quarters, then cut through it horizonally. It gives you eight equal pieces that are half as high as the original.

  3. Anonymous1:22 pm BST

    That's great guys. The next part she gave us was to think of an alternative method

  4. Anonymous3:10 pm BST

    cut in half - place one half on top of the other - repeat twice.

    but is creativity a quality like 20/20 vision, or an environmentally dependent talent - like intelligence?

    I vote for the latter - multiple creativities - visual, musical, kinetic, mathematical etc -

  5. obviously none of you guys have kids - but surely you remember your own childhoods...

    a piece of cake from the bottom with no icing is equal to a sweet piece from the top?

    get real guys
