Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lets play video journalism tag

Last few weeks have been some heavy lifting. Hence the lack of a regular postings, which I should be able to pick up soon.

That said I'll be migrating from blog soon to word press as there is I now perceive a greater degree of flexibility and robustness that will help me describe the myriad things crossing my path.

Meanwhile lots and lots of Masters student's thesis/ work to mark and my PhD on Innovation in Journalism is providing some very steep but exhilarating discoveries.

At an event called Camp Video journalism with the ebullient Robb Montgomery I was able to share a few of those with the attendants.

Essentially it involved me demonstrating, using empirical evidence, the art of story telling as it exists now through contemporary and new television and less so because I really didn't want to go too theoritical examining the renaissance masters work.


Because all the modern day guidelines you hear at journalism colleges and tv studios developed from visual essayists over the years and then broken artists.

Rules such as the 180 degree, crossing the line, and the rule of 2/3s are NOT rules; they're guidelines to help us often get the best from a piece of work.

But if you believe television/cinema/music is a creative medium, then right now you've probably identified a dozen or so people who's work you so admire and the reason often is because they're discarded some of the 'rules" we hold sacrosanct.

Meeting Angela Grant

Angela Grant at News Videographer and one of the engaging, let alone talented video journalists I have come across will be the subject of a 5 minute Q and A.

She inspiring for this new evolving profession, and the new generation having graduated from Uni some two years ago. She reminds me of a colleague Rachel Elllison, now an MBE - a rare title handed down from the Queen for services to people etc - and I wold not be surprised if Angela pretty soon attracted such high praise from public servants higher up in the US.
[NB sorry you can't get and MBE if you're not British]

There are a couple of films we're making and then I'll park a shedload of articles etc on viewmagazine and Camp as well as so please drop by.

One of the areas I'm really keen on talking about is Sports Videojournalism, and from some of my morning runs I'll be talking about some of the creative areas of sports productions using videojournalism.

That's it. Hopefully see you soon. I'm back to cut the promo.

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