Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Digital Hub enters Academia

Exclusive pics from The Financial Times' Digital Hub, published in in March.

The hub, a contemporary feature of the modern newsroom is now making forays into academia.

Whilst most academic outfits feature lecture rooms equipped with the latest gizmos in presentation, the layout has preserved the hierarchy of the lecturer with students facing on from one direction.

Now news emerges in the UK of a university creating a digital hub, not unlike the FT's.

In this case, it's a sort of throw back to the ampitheatre of Aristotle's school - with a digital upgrade you might say.

Is this the first?

I can't be absolutely sure, but from my involvement in the BJTC, I have broad knowledge of developments, though I welcome your comments telling me how this or that institution is ahead of the curve.

I'll keep you posted with what I know as this may have wide ramifications for other institutes.

Universities of the Future

I have always felt the role of universities is to be where industry would like to be.

And occasionally it succeeds but perhaps not as much as it should.

However because both must fit like glove and hand, academia quite often mirrors the industrial world.

How else would it recruit an able workforce.

Couple of months ago, I produced a package on the University of the Future, which I think is ready for an update.

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