Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Commentor - the new A-listers

The very idea was liberating whilst also a tad intriguing at first, allowing yourself to be open to comments, critiqued in fact, sometimes even trolled.

C'mon Newspapers have been doing it for years.

"Dear Sirs I rather regard your knowledge of such matters as fundamentally flawed, for which you should be flogged. The desert spoon is always placed on the inside of the right side...."
...... Signed Marmaduke Malborough.

But what would happen when anyone could leave a comment? Shove that up your ostrich Quill Marmaduke.

We all went bananas. Yeah tell the broadcasters and press what you finally think. So some blogs registered "200 comments"- Yeah babe!

Many others like this one barely squeak hard enough to warrant even a "Ahhh".

No, no I'm fine I don't have a Napoleon Complex.

So the article from Alwayson The New Genre: Comments struck an interesting chord.

The company being profiled, Cocomment manages comments from a multitude of companies.

Commenting is the new "It", which sounds implausible for a nano second. TV and Radio have made stars and provided a living to many pundits whose sole job is to comment for their supper.

Coming up with an original thought may be sapping, but commenting occupies a rarefied level of its own, particularly if you're good at it.

The more witticisms stroke comments you can leave on sites from radon isotopes to Johnny Depp's goatee will bring rewards, not to mention a fleet of followers.

Lots of comments, from lots of people opens a new conversation quite literally for monetisation, particularly if you're a marketeer wanting to run "article writings" ( planting a conversation to engage others).

For also within the soup of words are comments that now wag the dog and become leading articles in themselves or otherwise pick out THAT issue that might have slipped your mind.

The makers of The Kite Runner should have run comments whilst making their film and would probably have not committed such a huge faux pas with the actors and the rape scene, which endangered the lives of the actors.

"John what you're saying makes sense, but as someone who survived in Borneo, was marooned on a beach and have just recovered original footage of our exploits, I think you've slightly missed the boat".

At that moment every TV researcher looking to make a programme on "My new life" has just found a prime candidate.

But it's not just TV people who like comments.

Comment why don't you?
Quite a few of us have made friends, the equivalent of Marge and Mary leaning over the garden wall for a cosy natter about the weather.

"Raining again in summer Marge?"
"No that's the overspill from the cistern"

There's probably a PhD in the works about commenting. Someone's passport and employment tag probably says: "Commentor".

No not commentator - they often start a conversation, though that in itself is somewhat oxymoronic.

I tried to leave a comment on Always, but after what seemed like a lengthy sign-in threw in the towel. Commenting comes in the heat of the moment or does it ?

And then what happens when comments become audible. The flea phenomenon I mentioned a while back in a post comes to mind.

Technology that allows us to pick up relevant comments whizzing through the ether.

It's not quite there yet, but the chap who gave a presentation at Smart Lab - my surrogate home for a PhD, had many going 'Woow" with his nascent technology.

And then there's Echelon or not, which allows you to hear what people are talking about.

Incidentally, don't mention the three words sequenced in one sentence here or on the phone: president.XXXX, and XXXX. Yep I'm not saying anymore.

Comments were once free.

But those days might be far behind us, soon.

So if everyone's waiting to comment who starts the original conversation?

Hey I'm going out for a beer and to COMMENT

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