Thursday, May 29, 2008

10 things I would do if I were a researcher/multimedia assistant for BBC Radio 4

Richard Brennan, A Masters in journalism student who blogs at Newsjiffy, also admired for his posts, tells us what he would do to bring areas of BBC radio into the mash-up age.

3. Each edition of the BBC in-house magazine Ariel should have a column entitled "From the Blogosphere" where a staff member discuss the reactions to the BBC on both BBC and non-BBC blogs. I would be able to write this column as well as other duties.

4. Blog posts that are pertinent to a news story could be linked in current BBC blogs like the Editor's Blog. This would involve me keeping BBC Online staff informed about the content of the BBC Radio blogs via e-mail.”

Astute thinking.

Richard's CV is here for you to peak.

If I were a BBC manager I'd take a look and ping him for a chat.

I suppose the fact that they're not doing what Richard suggests will bring some comfort to the commercial sector e.g. radio stations.

The Guardian's Emily Bell made the point on Today of the BBC restraining itself from tramelling the commercial sector with its ballooning online presence.

The BBC's Trust report reviewing the corporation's services and distinctiveness in its online activities will be available on later today.

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