Sunday, April 20, 2008

Videojournalism, Interactivity and London Underground

You've probably seen them going in and out of London's tube stations. Interactive advertisements - images revolving around on electronic screens.

In the summer of 2001 we were approached by Viacom UK - The outdoor advertisers. They had seen our work, a combination of interactive play and video journalism whilst at re-active .

So how did video journalism come to play a role in devising a campaign for Viacom? What was the five degrees of motion that Viacom- underground would have us develop, which would affect price modelling? And what could we learn from today in the burgeoning environment of IM6VJ and Interactivity.

Also on Before and After. For the doc 8 days I shot just over an hour for what I perceived would be a 30 min doc. It would in fact be 15 mins.

When I got back to base within an hour I had laid down the structure which changed very little in the final cut. Then and after is what I'll be revealing on Mrdot, and how the shoot-to-edit paradigm allowed for fast turnaround.

And The Harvard Business Review has often been food for thought in Journalism etc. This month Stewart D Friedman writes about the dynamics of change, as founder director of Wharton's leadership program. In Total Leadership: be a better leader, have a richer life, Prof Friedman offers words which will comfort Journalism innovators.

Experiment, and how do you know your experiment is working, he asks. His guide rather reminds me of some of the mantras I have become attached to such a "protect your golden hour" and "capitalising on your creative period", which I'll elaborate in future posts.

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