Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The video ( financial) Journalist VFJ

His kit will leave you envious; his specialist knowledge, beached.

Unless you're a trader or avid market watcher the bulk of what he's saying here on The London Stock Exchange may leave you flumoxed, but google him and you'll find out he knows his market and they know him; from city traders to the lay person wanting to invest.

Quietly away from the hulabaloo of zeitgeist talks of video journalism and ocassional dog fights between professionals, a new video practitioner is making their mark.

For a while they've operated from office with fixed ISDN and T1 lines, with studios in a basement which they'd hurried to when the broadcasters called.

That was the 90s.

Today, Sandy Jadeja exemplifies a new breed. Not so much as journalist, which he is, but pundit extraordinaire. The guy who comments why the markets are going bonkers, with an assortment of gear; green screen, panasonic VX, Seinheiser pro mikes.

And while the office with its array of squiggly lines, numbers fluctutating by the second, and squark talk is where a bulk of the the new Vj play takes plac ( more vlog at present), Sandy is on the road, constantly: Dubai, China, India, France.

If news telling is about access, which it is, then Sandy could be the Economics News Editor for any media conglomerate.

The concept of the VFJ isn't a pipe dream, but getting the news out to whosoever may want it, without say, being reliant on financial news broadcasters, is gearing up.

You can already catch Sandy twice every week on CNBC, a column in respected financial city paper, and endless spots elsewhere, but spending a couple of hours with him today shows he's writing a new dawn.

Chatham House rules apply so I can't tell you what we spoke about, other than being deeply impressed. And there are many beneficiaries in his vision, including the new crop of journalists entering institutions like the University of Westminster, whom are keen to become VFJs.

Watch out for the name: Sandy, that's all I can say.

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