Thursday, March 27, 2008

thank you, thank you

A big hearty thank you to the good people who spent part of their evening at Apple Reegent Street - listening to me talk about and media agendas.

Abs appreciate your responses and the interaction of questions.

Hahaha I crashed my bowser, so had to reboot and filled in the time talking about my Mandela encounter.

Cut a long story short, Madiba walked over to the table I was on at a do in SA and we shook hands. I glanced over at the official photographer who shrugged his shoulders that he'd run out of film.

Digital.. bring it on.

I'll post one or two of the slides and sites that I mentioned such as - where you can go and find an array of goodies.

The VJ platform has many facets: some shoot for TV, some shoot great lines, some shoot docu-style and some, me, shoot with film in mind backed by a hard narrative.

The Chatham House interview is an example - in which the dir of one of the UK's leading think tanks talks about what their research uncovered about the Britain being caught up in a terror siege.

Can you beleieve when they published their report, not a single news broadcast outlet focused on their range of findings.

The rubik cube using game theory is here as well.

So thanks once again and yes do email me.

And finally a massive thanks to Robin and the ultra cool people at Apple.

Don, one of my VJ shooters, shot a film of the presentation. We've got to pass it by some people so hopefully you should be able to see that.

I'm whazed!

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