Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Inspiring Donald

Today I had an inspiring email from someone I've never met. Donald ( email below) was very generous and his warmth comes through his post to a story I made.

Donald writes himself: I'm a 53-year old full time student at UNT in Denton,Texas.....

In Ghana where my parents come from that figure is that, a figure, but its reference is clearer here and it leaves me full of admiration for him as he looks to video to tell his stories.

And No, if you've misconstrue my comments to mean anything but "wow".

A brief write up to the story, Donald refers, to is below

South Africa's Successor Generation

It is an incredible feeling as a journalist, sociologist, or an interested party to see change within a nation take shape before you.

The Civil Rights Movement of the US, Perestroika in Poland, Thatcherism and the politics of self - these provided genuine reflections of our changing attitudes.

Documenting them yields rough drafts; a snap shot of history, tempered by the achitect.

Nonetheless they are visual documents for new generations to ponder

Truth, I don't by any stretch think so grandiosely about this work or others.

But watcing this film - a version of which was made for Channel 4 News - is a strong advocacy for videojournalism and why we must persevere to tell non ageneda stoies.

More and video here

Don Mooney wrote
I'm a 53-year old full time student at UNT in Denton,Texas.My instructor just returned from a NPPA conference in Norman. OK and it's really motivated me to grasp as much as I can about the craft,particularly before I graduate at the end of this year Stories like these are what attract me being a mobile journalist. Mostly i've done still photography but video offers another aspect of telling stories. Continued success!

David writes:
Dear Donald

You're inspiring. You're testament to the ideals of humility and giving it a go

If we could all but carry the same torch you have and enthusiasm, many of us will be better for it.

Your kind words are much appreciated.

This thing that we do is born of the same appreciation and love you have for photography.

And yes the story of young South Africans voting in their first election, then returning to them again and again, are the sort of stories that make some of us all sit up at night.

When I had the story the first time, it was 93. South Africa was about to turn the corner.

I'd left the UK because I couldn't find work and with a ticket I blagged from British airways, I found myself in South Africa, with one contact I'd come across in the newspapers, Alan Swerdlow ( I'm forever indebted to him).

Luckily he met me at the airport and through him I landed on my feet and would subsequently be amazed at the richness and diversity of South Africa, seldom shown on TV.

The young people I focused on, are the same people driving the country's economy now and I'm thankful they gave me their time.

Video is the sort of medium that allows us to tell such complex stories more easily.

Truth it's not as difficult as the pros would have us believe.

Please email me or skype me at daviddunkleygyimah if I can be of any help.


p.s UNT, NPPA, Denton? - better go check them on google LOL


  1. NPPA - National Press Photographers Association

    UNT - University of North Texas

    Denton - Community UNT resides in

    Cheers mate,

    Cliff Etzel - Solo Video Journalist

  2. ta mate

    NPPA though I was being facetious :)
