Thursday, February 28, 2008

Watch this. Newspaper videojournalism formats visual newspaper

I have tried to and been fairly successful at staying in touch with print/ videojournalists whose paths I have crossed, and I'm always grateful for the warm and kind words from people like Gareth.

The latest exchange with Gareth has had me watching their latest video on his site, again and again laughing etc.

And, as I have often mentioned in briefings etc they're using video to leverage the newspaper and presumably vice versa.

Cornwall & Devon Media Lt have made video their own. Absolutely fab. Do take a look here. Nothing overly fancy, but it works as you can see below


Hi David, hope all is well.

Have been incredibly busy with the "day job" so have been desperately trying to fit video in around everything else..and soon about to train 34 of our employees who are interested! Good signs...!

If you get a few spare moments (!!) any feedback on the things I've done lately would be fantastic.
My main "showpiece" has been our What's On guide....our leisure editor is really up for it and its got everyone talking and excited about video.

An email even went around BBC Cornwall apparantly saying they had "missed the boat" and were now playing catch up with us in terms of entertainment and online video...! ( rest of email been cut)


Hi Gareth

Absolutely fantastic. Loved it. And the presenter, well he's destined for big things. Sorry but there's nothing wrong with that. Its sharp, well shot, fast narrative, size of the screens great. fabulous.. get experimenting with more hand held and fluidity with the lens, but your format's a winner. (idea - Confidential offered)


Hi David,

Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for revolutionising our video world!

I no longer feel as if I will be producing standard video pieces which have been seen a million times - but inspired to get out, capture emotion and be different, yet confident. (Hopefully the job won't get in the way too much!)

It was a real eye-opener...and can't convey my gratitude enough.

Shall continue following your site and your words of blogging wisdom...

Hope our paths cross again,

Many thanks mate,


Digital Editor
Cornwall & Devon Media Ltd

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