Tuesday, January 22, 2008

CSS for journalists

It's not often I post about current Masters journalism students - my own rules of confidentiality et al, but today possibly proves a point for emerging journalism and journalists.

Within a couple of hours they'd learned CSS div tags and then with a deadline of 40 mins looming created the two front page holding sites, radically different to one another, in css to w3 standards.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

I posted a while back how at a Nato war Games exercise we made packages and filmed/interviewed senior personnel in situ of a conflict 10 mins, took 15 mins to edit and post, whilst then creating new host sites 10 mins.

Here's an aspect of that a teaser of the Nato programme, and then out in more detail what goes on.

I'll need to change the "load movie" variable as it takes a wee long to load, but bear with it.

Apologies I have just seen this, but my site was wiped off the server a couple of months ago and it looks like in reloading all the data, I missed loading the trailer.
(will reload soon)

The Cairo shoot with Robb Montgomery was also a fast turnaround; from the time we got into the Old City to the time we left a couple of hours later, the story and edit was in the can or mac I should say. We sourced all our interviewees cold.

Part of the technique, like videojournalism is learning to undershoot - go for the essentials but covering all bases.

I hope to expand on that when I hook up with Rob from in Chicago
That's where we as journalists can go with this. Swift turnaround, videojournalism films and css div tag sites to house, Metatagged n' al.

Next the IM6 approach of multimedia stripping a video and producing the MM package.

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