Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Videojournalists morph to integrated multi media (video). Rewrite the rules. The Outernet

Breaking the rules of programme making - one camera, one VJ

Be one of the network film makers, clock up over 1000 hours of films, with nothing more than a camera and laptop. google: Claudio Von Planta

Breaking the rules of videojournalism

Image from Apple Pro website. Truth, they're only ones and zeros.

The Video Journalists Manifesto.


  • 1. I am a video journalist: I crave creativity, loathe that which is predictable. It is my job to look for beyond the headlines and surface story; beyond what may be known as the agenda, trusting my convictions to tell a more expansive story.

  • 2. I can move alone in any terrain. Experience is my blanket. Swarming (groups of Vjs coming together) increases my range.

  • 3. I will be told by those who believe they know best that it can't be done. I must accept that they don't understand my job, my limitations. Nothing is impossible.

    More of the Video Journalist decree here

    Understanding there is a paradigm shift

    Qu. What can you see?

    One of the biggest threats facing us isn't the deludge of new applications and hardware tools on the market; all of which I'd play around with if I had the chance, or even the trend-to-dismiss web 2.0, but the mindset that predetermines how we perceive what we do.

    If you can't see the three images above, if you're not prepared to, then you're missing out on the "aha" syndrome.

    More on New Journalism, New thinking

    Knowing there is a new skillset?

    Video Journalism in 1994 in the UK - the beginning

    Video Journalism now
    Aggressive video produced within hours, here's what you need.
  • Final Cut Pro - the trick in FCP use is in its key frames.
  • Sound Pro - Film? It's all in the sound.
  • After Effects - create incredible film tones.
  • Compression technology e.g. Quicktime
    Interview, film, produce a one on one interview and post in 10 mins

    Web site CSS build
    Dreaweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop,
  • writing for SEO, link-rich building and the F-plan

    multi media and Flash
    The cube is inspired by the rubik cube and game theory

    1. Top David voice over for African wars project
    2. David and Scott Rensberger share thoughts over videojournalism package
    3. Interview Chatham House former head
    4. Reporting with West African-US Special Forces
    5. In New York -from making of an Intel officer
    More on game theory and story cube


    audio & Radio
    David editing at BBC Radio 4 - a documentary made in South Africa, circa 93

    Web analytics + web 2.0
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  • Comments

    Appreciation and marvel at other people's work and the market place. History is one of your best teachers. A historical perspective in a contemporary setting may reveal new links, thoughts, multiple foundations. NB The idea of linear narrative (middle-begining-end) goes as far back as Aristotle

    Keep up to date, trawl the net, read the mags -learn by inspiration
    More on inspiring video journalists

    Be allowed to experiment. Be Allowed to fail. For it is only through our flaws that we learn. It is only by falling off the bike that our parents put us back on. And by failing and falling, we learn not to repeat our mistakes and with any luck and great humulity we appreciate the generous offerings of others. Learning not to fail, by failing is good.

    Learn not to stand still; that your view is just as important. That somewhere beyond the horizon is a new paradigm for a multi-modal, multi media journalist and that whilst we may not ultimately get there, we'll try our damnest to find out what it is by heading off swifty in that direction. CF The Outernet.

    Image from What is multimedia feature looking across three continents. Trailer here

    David Dunkley Gyimah in 1998 working off his G3 cutting a film. In view the VX1000 - one of the first prosumer cameras. More on David's work see
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