Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Sunday

Hugely significant day today, Remembrance Sunday, commemorating the role of those who fell during the two wars, that is World War One and Two.

It's a sombre national event, which will be marked in time honoured fashion: pomp, decorum and circumstance.

Behind the primary agenda, another seems to be quietly gaining ground, reported in the national press and has perhaps greater currency in the wake of the launch last week of a lobbying group.

" Ex Military Chiefs fight and win their publicity force - a lesson in PR and using the Net" how former senior defence figures have this week launched the UKNDA to bring attention to UK's defence budget in maintaining a "proper funded force".

There will be a great deal of sensitivty not to nudge the news agenda away from that for which it was intended; Remembrance.

One of the most marked pieces of reportage comes from a national newspaper claiming in present campaigns 88 soldiers deaths can be attributed to equipment failure.

It'll be interesting, as I noted in my first post, how in light of the UKNDA's presence, the spotlight "lighthouses" from remembrance of fallen men and women to those in the field.

On their site they draw attention to support for Northern Rock, a report originally from the Economist:

"State support for Northern Rock already exceeds Britain's transport budget and could soon surpass the £32 billion allocated to defence a particular embarrassment for a government accused of under-equipping its soldiers in combat zones."

Two minute silence at 11.0'clock a.m

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