So what did I find when I googled "UK Labour politics", this headline Labour recruits election staff' from the BBC of course.
Of course?
Well its shouldn't be really, but. . .
Not exactly a controlled test but then I punched in "UK Labour Party Politics" the Guardian pops up with a "More about the labour party" report.
And then 4 links down the party can be seen extoling that grand statement "Labour: Join us", from the labour party itself.
Now I mean if you can't "own" your own spot based around your area of expertise and title, then, what are you doing?
It's unlikely being on the front page may propel anyone to give over themselves to Labour, but importantly compared to the Conservatives, they're working the search engines.
Labour it seems has a better hang at the new economy, supposedly; a greater positive profile
And indication also that they're guarding their online presence and the sort of stories emerging about them.
Now that might not mean anything to you if you bar hum bug the net - but for the next generation, 8 years, googling to find out more about basic politics in English lessons or whatever, the first page tells them what they want to know.
I'm sure Iain Dale, (shared a platform with him during the summer ) one of the UK's more prominent bloggers might be able te get the party to look into this.
Because the more seriously online is taking the better it is for, well. . .
Wasn't it BT that last week saiid it had no reason to justify switching to fibre optics when it emerged we are some way behind France etc in broadband technology. That's just one example of the domino effect of the politics of online.
How seriously do they take the web?
Is David Cameron - opposition leader - as new economy savvy as his onlne video psting suggests?
Just a couple of interesting ruminations.
If anything a couple of other things emerge from this exercise.
In political blogging, you might suggest we're still somewhat behind compared to the US. The sheer energy from Hugh Hewitt's book "Blogs" gives that impresssion, where a number of big bloggers have moved agendas.
It got me thinnking whether any of the parties endorsed either bloggers ot videojournalists to attend their party gatherings, cuz next year I might see if I can put my politics mac back on and join the fray.
UK blogging is slowly building up. Messy Media, recently started