Monday, September 24, 2007

City Run

If you could hear the sfx, cuz here I'm out a breath. In DC, a little while ago, I decided to go for a morning run. In fact if there was a blog for insatiable joggers (journalists who blog - geddit! Ah well) I'd probably have a bit to say.

DC though offers one of the best scenic routes, Berlin wasn't bad either. But DC it's the White-House - Lincoln Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, onwards and then a big loop back.

In fact I thought wouldn't it be cool if you had one of those antishake cameras mounted so you could record the scenes as well. I sound like Forest Gump don't I?

One of BBC Radio 4's Commissioners asked if I had an idea for any features and I couldn't help propose this. It's such a bizarre idea it might just work.

The second idea was a composite of all the people I have recorded pre-presentation e.g. Dan Gilmore, James Wiki Wales, James Wagner Au - second life David (technorati) Sifry, Asha Oberoi, Sabine Streich the list goes on. . .

I think I'm going to call that "Last words".

Get yer running shoes out!

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