Sunday, July 01, 2007

8 Days and more

Thank you for the overwhelming interest in 8 days which has attracted, oh huge downloads. I know small beer for many, but a substantial feat, given the site and accompanying movies are being put together on spit and polish.

I have redesigned the page to make it easier to navigate some of the outcome from the film. One or two links are yet to be made active, but as usual critique, shred, ignore - any reaction will do.

Talking of link, since the site went off the net some months back (don't ask) you may have noticed a few broken links. I'm working as fast as possible ( in between the day job) to rectify this as I'm so aware how disruptive that can be.

Had a good meeting with BBC Newsnight last week and can probably boast the first net video interview with its editor. Frankly that's what the net is good at. The Editor was in a hurry but answers three questions I you may find interesting.

In a couple of months I hope to produce a video report like 8 days and the FT looking at how Newsnight is made. This week aI'm at the ONA ( UK branch) previewing something I'm really excited by IM6 Video journalism. The whole project won't be fully completed by the Summer, but I'll preview some behind the scenes looking at radical work flows for digital journalists.

And finally, in a later blog, I'll expand, but for the mean time if you see a royal marine, whatever you do don't ever shout "NAKED BAR".

Because if you do, wait for the most hilarious spectacle among officers and NCO that will leave you blushing or laughing until you cry

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