Sunday, April 01, 2007

Master cohorts

University of Westminster Masters students coming to the end of the core skills in the Net and Video reportage.

It's a one year intensive course and asks a lot from students. Definately not for the meek. Looking forward to assessing their work and seeing how it sits with national work from other media universities in my role as one of the quality assessor for the Broadcast Journanalism Training Council.

The BJTC is the body that links industry and media universities and its kite mark is much sought after by tertiary education establishments and broadcasters hiring media students.

Some of the skills on offer from the prog this year included:

* Technical writing for the web with attributable good sources
* Using google rich-link phrases to attracted rankings
* Using matrix stats and user behaviour to plan PR and pitch articles.
* Podcasts, compression and Video User Behaviour for the podcast producers
* Design aesthetic and balance

All of which are assets much prized by the business and media world. Meanwhile if you'd like to see the students online efforts here you go

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