Sunday, November 05, 2006

Science woes

British Students shunning science screams the headlines. Notwithstanding the brilliant number of scientists in academia and industry, perhaps a more acute bit of navel gazing is required.

My first attempt to continue my science studies- a degree in Chemical Engineering - ended in tragedy. After three weeks on the course at a uni I won't name crammed into a class of 60 plus, with a lecturer who was so monumentally unispiring it was time to leave.

But the real worries was the p**s poor salaries on offer back in the 80s and I doubt its changed much. I'll post a feature piece I made for BBC Reportage, The Brain Drain.

Verdcit: many students, researchers were high tailing to the US where they receive more money and recognition.

Until somebody adresses this and the bias to business qualifications ( media is a belated fad) then the UK will continue to haemorrhage.

Incidently I did complete my degree in Applied Chemistry but by the time I'd got passed my second year, I'd already begun freelancng for BBC radio, realising the sciences and all the additional maths, integration, Newtonian mechanics, organic chemistry was not for me - as a career.

This morning I have just been looking at my notes from Uni on Nucleophilic attacks


  1. Hey David, I have had an experience of this debate with my friend. I was talking about scientific topics like how an elephant can be in two places at once! (look at new scientist two weeks ago) and he asked why the hell I never did science. I explained that I just did not have the scientific fervour to do so-I like ideas and writing them and so on but the experiments at uni were so incredibly dull I just did not find it inspiring!
    Still I may one day go back do a technology qualification of some sort as I find it fascinating!

  2. Have you considered popping by your local secondary/ primary school and wowing them with a combination of media and science? Have a crack before you sign up for the tech classes
